To the Members of Executive Committee from each country of the EU-Culture Capital

To the Members of Executive Committee from each country of the EU-Culture Capital

We’d like to propose our project:
“The Art that Earth (World) Citizens Participate in;
Shaking Hands with the Earth”
“Points of our proposal”
In order to exchange more deeply our culture and art, and also to expand more deeply our tourism, between your country and Japan, the people from both countries hope to keep our friendship and peace, and grasp (Handshaking) the soil (the Earth), carve your name on grip-art objects (after that, we dry up and fire them), gather the objects, and then, all the participants make the monuments with the artist (KIYOKATSU MATSUMIYA).
Simultaneously, we open up the Workshop Period in front of the monuments for the European and world people, later, it is intended that we contribute the repeaters, tourism and exchange, by producing monuments more and more.

“What’s our Project; Shaking Hands with the Earth?”
It is the Art Project of the civic participation type that an artist of a sculptor (KIYOKATSU MATSUMIYA) has tackled since Expo 2005 Aichi Japan, and its theme is an association (Handshaking) with nature (Earth).
We open up the Workshop that the Earth (World) citizens grasp (Handshaking) the soil (the Earth) and carve their names on grip-art objects to wish for exchange, development and peace.
We started this project in 2004 for the purpose of that the citizens and the artist made them together, connected with Japan first, next with the Silk Road, then with all over the world.
And now, we have kept up this project for more than 10 years to hope that it is useful for invigorating local communities, with a focus on “Project of Peace-Handshaking” that asks a meaning of the life, through exchange among “Children Support Project” that we pray for development from the revival of the Tohoku district, “Port of the humanity, Tsuruga,” and Poland.

“The Contents of our Project”
#1 We open up the Workshop for the citizens both in your country and Japan.
One person grips three objects; one is for your country, others are for Japan and Culture Capitol that the project is held in the same year of your country (plan, yet).
#2 We build the monument of the products after the Workshop.
We open up the Workshop in the fixed period for tourists and citizens in front of the monuments, and add to them.
#3 After that, we continue this project every year.
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Grasping soil carving your name  firing  sticking  collaborative product

Home Page
Coordinator SHIN SHIMIZU
Project Director TAKASHI TAZAWA
Name of the Company Hakushin-Do Ltd
Address Mokkoshinmachi 378-2, .
Higashi-Ku, Niigata City
Phone 025-274-7755
Facsimile 025-274-7679


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